The Queen Street & West Woollahra Association |
QSWWA Annual Dinner 2022 Click here to go straight to photos. The Queen Street & West Woollahra Association held their The highlight of the evening was special guest Leo Schofield, the founding President of the Association in 1972, reminiscing on the early years of the Association. Leo's memory was as sharp as a razor and his stories brought back many fond memories so the more mature guests attending. Many thanks to Leo and we hope to see him again at future events. Thanks too to the local business who very generously donated some very valuable prizes for our raffle - Matthew Ely Jewellery, Parterre, Moncur Cellars, The Dental Rooms and an individual donation by Leo Schofield, who was also called on to draw the winning tickets. The raffle was very successful, all due to the magnificent prizes for which we are very grateful. Finally, our thanks also to our official photographer for the evening, Eric Scott who did a great job as usual. Giles Edmonds, QSWWA President |