On 27 June, the Federal Member for Wentworth, Dave Sharma, took the opportunity to talk in parliament about his attendance at the QSWWA AGM and Social Drinks, the record number of members and guests attending and his appreciation of the Association's work for the community. The text of his speech is below and the original PDF can be downloaded by clicking here. A video of Dave's speech can be seen clicking here.
Dave Sharma, Wentworth. "Recently I had the pleasure of attending the Queen Street and West Woollahra Association's annual general meeting and social drinks. A record turnout of 120 residents and guests gathered at the Woollahra Hotel for the association's first AGM in two years, because of restrictions on large gatherings that were in place throughout 2020. Thankfully this meeting happened a few weeks ago; it wouldn't be able to happen this week. The Queen Street and West Woollahra Association is a community organisation which represents residents and businesses. It's committed to preserving and maintaining the unique village atmosphere and heritage quality and characteristics of Woollahra; building and enhancing the strong community spirit and sense of identity of the residents; and supporting local businesses to create an attractive and vibrant commercial environment. And, in that, it does a very good job.
I want to congratulate the new office bearers of the Queen Street and West Woollahra Association: the president, Giles Edmonds, who has been president for a number of years now and does a great job; the secretary, Richard Banks; the treasurer, Alan Smith; and committee members Susie Willmott, John Knott, Christine Whiston, Steph Macindoe and Richard Haigh. I also want to give a shout-out to the association's local community magazine, the Village Voice, which hits 5,000 letterboxes four times a year, providing local news and advertising. I encourage local businesses to get in touch with the association and advertise in this fantastic local publication.
Over the year ahead, I'm looking forward to judging the Christmas window display competition, as well as attending and supporting the annual members' dinner, the Christmas carols in Chiswick Park and the association's big 50th birthday next year."